Monday, July 17, 2006

Life: Rewound

"Hey, it's me."
"Why haven't you called?"
"Just Like that"
"You busy?"
"Should I call later?"
"That would be good."
"Hey, it's me."
"So, why didn't you pick your phone?"
"Just like that"
"You busy?"
"I'll call later."
"Yeah. Do that."

These are just drifts from different conversations between same two persons. How funny that life can be such a broken record. Everything keeps repeating itself. Why is that we fight so hard to feel for some because they refuses to acknowledge you as an important part in their lives? Why can't we simply talk because we had known each other. Once.
I frantically called my friend in Mumbai to know if she's ok. She lived somewhere near the Western Line. Or so I thought. She was ok. And about eight months ago, I had recieved a similar call. Because my friend thought I was living somewhere near the blast area. We live by the news reports, thinking it isn't happening to us. So, it shouldn't bother us much. But we cry for the loss the protagonist suffers in a movie? Romance, tragedy, comedy, tragi-comic... If it is happening on the 70-mm screen, we cry bucketfuls. But if a more gruesome death happens to someone miles away from us. It is, "we don't know about that person, why should we care." Bloody shit. Why shouldn't we? Why the hell such double standards? Can we feel only when we are dumped, have been hurt? Can't we hurt for another person, just because we are humans? Why should we be afraid of being called "sissy" if we feel for a person unknown to us?

Mind that it could have happened to you. What would you have done if it was your mother/ father/ daughter/ son/ boyfriend/ girlfriend/ bestfriend/ husband/ wife who was in that situation???


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