The Pseudo Living
While reading The Class by Eric Segal, I came across this --
"We took the world as given; cigarettes were twenty-several cents a pack; and gas as much per gallon. Sex came wrapped in rubber and veiled in supernatural scruples - call them chivalry..."
These verses, written by John Updike, made me wonder about the pseudo living.
I wonder, when Updike wrote these lines. Then to what made him write it and then finally to a similar sentiment I had when I was in college.
The opening phrase - "we took the world as given"
We did. We still do. TAKE THE WORLD AS GIVEN. We live as if there is no tomorrow and we brag as if there was no yesterday. We are - all of us - hedonists.
With the BPO culture in full bloom, we celebrate American Independence Day. We have a whole new plethora of holidays. We have a brand new rule book of how to party.
We slog our asses (pardon my french), just to earn that milk money.
We believe in everything that is taught to us. We doubt everything we see. We look for relationships in the virtual world but we forget to work towards them in reality. We are promiscuous in thoughts, but monogamous in action.
We say we live for someone else, I ask, are we living or existing? The fine-line difference between living and existing has been crossed. Or has it not? Are we, still, the fence-sitters?
We look for avenues to run and when we find them , we drag our feet on the road to perdition.
We measured word by word. We looked for meanings in action.
Maybe this is why Updike has said --
"Psychology was in the mind; abstract things grabbed us where we lived; the only thing worth living was the private life; and - last, worst scandal in this charaterization - we did not know we were a generation."
Very deep thoughts. Isn't there always a question in our minds as to who we really are? are we individuals or programmed robots? I think what makes us special is our thoughts and deeds.
You tell me why we have to celebrate any independance day or someone's birthday or whatever day in the past. Indeed we are fence sitters.
Neat post, very crisp thoughts, looking forward to reading your other stuff. Cheers
Good post. Addresses two different things, which are also inter-twined. Our innate facination with anything non-Indian, tied up with the quest for "Who am I?"
"We take world as its given"
Pseudo living..... what i've learnt from the life is, this world is entirely perceptual. Perceptual by all means. There cannot be anything that's definitive, perfect. As long as you are under the cover of apparantly existing atmosphere, there is no vaccuum anywhere!
what is life? Why are we here? Are we what we look, or what we feel, or what we are supposed to look, or what we are supposed to become, why do we supposed to become something when we are already something? Why we talk? why we express? why we love? why we get hurt? why we cry, why we laugh.......................... i can write down some 1000 qns like this... yet... r'nt these been asked since we know mankind by somebody or the other. Are'nt these the questions that all these so called spiritual leaders, the religions, the cultures, of past present and future trying to answer? but never been able, neither science nor sprituality have had reached even the premises of answers to these questions...
We dont know where we come from, we dont know where we go, we dont know if there is anything beyond of lives, we dont know if everything is chemistry and physics, or there is something beyond all this, we dont know if god exists or not... we dont know what lies beyond, neither do we know what was there before
So we take wat's given to us... driven by our own insignificant senses.. we make decisions.. we live! Or if you want to term it as Exist, we exist.
There is nothing "real".. literally,
Perceptually there are lots of things about life which is real, atleast we preceive it to be real!
So, we perceive to be living or existing! Welcome to the Matrix!
Dont think you are, know you are!
Didn't Ayn Rand say, "I think therefore I am." ?
This is where Rand and my personal favourite eccentric Mr Descartes would want to fight it out - think therefore are or are therefore think.
Descartes' philosophy being, "I am therefore I think."
This led to existentialism and all that claptrap but the question still remains - How do you know who you are?
You think; you speculate; you make assumption; you hypothesise. And in the end when everything starts making a pattern or seems one to you.
You are. or you know you are!
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