Saturday, March 19, 2005

Can't Sight The Moonlight

I see the moon is bleeding tonight,
Blood splattered all over the sky.
Caked, odourless but straining the sight;
Thick, silvery, luminous blood is the light.

The silence of the gushing wind;
The tiredness of an abandoned hour;
Satiated sigh and painful moan of the pinned;
The tableau is menacingly sinned.

Creaking doors, screeching bats drown the shout,
And the darkened streets bully the moonlight.
When the world is having a sleeping bout,
Those celestials and these mortals sulk and pout.

I doze off dreaming of foaming seas...
And wake up to find the moon unhung.
I sit up, rubbing away at my peace,
Panicked, wondering what the late hour sees.

Moments later but with aeons spent,
I think of missing Serena and Aurora's approach.
I dwell on the centaurs and orions sent
When the stars shy away, their twinkles lent.